I started match fishing when I met Richie Parry at a local fishery near where I live. He was running the Airbus fishing club and I decided to join and started fishing club matches at a number of different venues in our area. One of the venues we visited regularly was Weston Pools in Oswestry where Mike the owner would always help me out and it was a venue I absolutely loved visiting with the club.
This is a venue I’ve spent a lot of time at over the years and it has really been the place I have made my name as an angler.
I made the step up to fishing open matches when Richie became the fishery manager at Weston pools and the matches with the Airbus club stopped.
I spent a lot of time travelling with my dad who would take me to various different venues up and down the country and I was fishing against some of the countries top commercial anglers and this meant I was learning quickly what was right.
In more recent times I’ve learned a lot from the other lads in Blake’s match team like Andy and Paul who have helped me take my angling to the next level!
I have been lucky enough to qualify for Fishomania in 2019, 2 x Maver Match This final and win quite a few festivals at Heronbrook and Weston Pools and hope for this to continue.