Korda Pop Up Corn


Korda Pop Up Corn


Available in four flavours.

Weight 50 g

Citrus Zing, Fruity Squid, Banoffee, IB


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Korda’s first release in the Fake Food range is pop-up imitation corn.

I.B. Yellow – a blend of several fruits that is now legendary.
Pink Fruity Squid – blend of the best squid and several fruity attractors.
White Banoffee – Danny’s most recent favourite that has caught him huge fish all over Europe.
Green Citrus Zing – a blend of exclusive citrus flavours, made to make their mouth water.

All come with free hair stops that pull up inside the bait so the hair cannot be seen from above, a trick taken from some of the best plastic users in the country. A small but deadly range that will soon dominate the plastic baits scene.