Our new team consultant Chris Hall, to his friends known as Gandhi, has won more matches than we can count. His home venue of The Oaks Lakes in Sessay is where you can catch him each week. This complex has a fantastic set of lakes and 3 of the match lakes are dominated by carp and lots of them.
Working in conjunction with Chris, he wanted a bait that would be quite heavy, so he could pin these hungry fish to the bottom when fishing down the edge as it is commonly known. The mix needed to contain plenty of particles so the fish had food to eat and in return stay in the peg for longer allowing you to catch them a little more easily. In addition it also needed to bind well so when fish come into your peg it does not waft about and be easily spread, which gives you a tighter surface area to catch them from.
The mix was developed over a 6 month period to give him chance to alter and get the required consistency to be able to mix easily but without the need to be riddled so all the particles stay within the groundbait as they are.
This mix joins the Commercial Masters range of products, which as some may know shows just how much confidence we have in its quality.
Order yours today, just click here.
We managed to grab Chris to put together a short video on how best to prepare the bait.
This is available now from Blakes stockists, and of course our website.